NBA: Grant Hill Calls It Quits #Retired


@MaziMuzic June 1, 2013

After 19 years Grant Hill has finally decided to hang it up.  The 7 time All-Star and Olympic Gold Medalist has had a great career, but has dealt with injuries the past few years which ultimately led to this decision. This is what Hill had to say about his retirement, “I’ve been hinting at it for the last few years and you get to a point where you just don’t want to do it anymore. But I’ve enjoyed it, I’ve loved it,”.

Grant, to me was one of the most underrated players to play the game.  Sad to see a great player leave the game but like the song says, “You gotta know when to hold em and know when to fold em”.  Good Bye Grant!

Scrappy In Rehab For Weed Adiznayee: Addiction


@HollywoodSupa June 31, 2013

Reality TV star Lil Scrappy checked himself into rehab Thursday says his attorney. This was apparently the result of Scrappy previously failing a court appointed drug test where his urine tested positive for marijuana.

Scrap admits that he’s addicted to marijuana and wants to get help. Maybe it’s not rehab you need….it’s them B***H’s mane lol leave em alone! Don’t let that bs stress you out!

Scrappy will remain in rehab until his June 16th court date. Smart move. This is supposedly a very tough rehab facility with 10pm curfew, no cell phones or laptops, and no visitors for the first two weeks.

Wish you the best dawg, with the women in your life YOU NEED IT! Especially Momma Dee lol.

I now present a tribute to all you weed addicts out there….enjoy lol


Stripper Pole Near Death Experience #VIDEO

@HollywoodSupa June 1, 2013

So……we had a video shoot at the crib last night for an artist named Airamis (All About My Business) and there was a stripper pole scene. So his models were playing around on the pole when an inexperienced young lady decides to give it a whirl…..SHE NEARLY BROUGHT THE WHOLE HOUSE DOWN lol. The pole fell down (with the girl on it) and hit the camera knocking the microphone completely off! You can even hear the sound cut off when it gets hit…

Only minor injuries were suffered and as of right now there are no plans for a lawsuit. LMAO.

Watch and enjoy….

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Scrappin Inside McDonalds #Fight [VIDEO]

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@HollywoodSupa June 1, 2013

This is a pretty funny video of some niggas that got to scrappin inside McDonald’s (don’t know what city). The video starts out with some serious ACTION but after the initial punches are thrown it’s not much more than a bunch of talkin. The guy that was recording the whole thing ends up gettin called out at the end. I wonder if he whooped his ass???


Brittney Griner “Out The Closet” #ESPN

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@HollywoodSupa June 1, 2013

First of all, was it a surprise to ANYONE when she came out the closet?

Let’s analyze this for a moment:

1. She sounds like a dude

2. She looks like a dude (stay tuned for my explanation in a later post)

3. She dresses like a dude


Lesbihonest……..90% of all female basketball players, especially the ones good enough to make it to NCAA and pro level sports, are LESBIANS. You know it, i know it (whether you choose to admit it or not). If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck IT DEFINITELY AIN’T NO DAMN CAT!!!!

You can’t blame her anyway though because how many male options does a 6 ft. 8 female have?? Have you seen those big ass feet??? lol

Griner recently graced (and I use that term loosely) the cover of ESPN: The Magazine. She spoke with ESPN about how happy and free she feels being out the closet. Sorry boo but whether you know it or not you were NEVER in the closet.

Here are some photos from the mag shoot (some of them are actually pretty dope):

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Now Filming: Think Like A Man Too #LasVegas

@HollywoodSupa June 1, 2013

Screen Gems has officially begun production of Think Like A Man Too, the sequel to Think Like A Man (which was based on Steve Harvey’s gay book Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man).

La La Anthony, Michael Ealy, Jerry Ferrara, Meagan Good, Regina Hall, Kevin Hart, Teraji P. Henson, Terrence J, Jenifer Lewis, Romany Malco, Gary Owen, and Gabrielle Union

The story takes place right here in Las Vegas and photos were recently released of the cast kickin’ it! All the original cast members  have returned and they have a few new additions.

In my opinion they need a LOT of new additions. None of them can even act except Taraji! All the rest of them play the SAAAAAME role in every damn film! (tell me I’m lyin)

The film is scheduled for a June 2014 release so we’ll see if they stay on schedule.

The ladies were required to have “bikini ready” bodies for the film…..

Here are some photos:

sleepingtlam tlamcast lalagabbytlamlalabellagiotlam

gabbybikinitlam LaLaJLtlam megantlam tlam2 (1) tlma992 tlam291


The Justin Bieber Car Drama Continues


@MaziMuzic June 1, 2013

So you have probably all heard by now about the Justin Bieber / Keyshawn Johnson beef by now, if not let me fill you in.  Former NFL Star Keyshawn Johnson called the PoPo after chasing Young Biebs back to his house, for  driving too fast and almost causing an accident while Johnson’s Kid was in the back seat.  Now more neighbors of the Calabasas, CA residence are coming forward, saying they witnessed the 19 year old recklessly driving his white Ferrari over the Memorial Day Weekend.  This shit is getting so bad the LAPD have launched a full investigation and said Biebs might do some time.

Now TMZ is reporting there is video evidence that is wasn’t Justin doing highway speeds in a 25 MPH Zone, but it was Tyler the Creator?  What the hell is going on over there in camp Biebs?  When they asked Keshawn Johnson what he had to say about this, he said “Look man, I know the difference between a black kid driving a car and a white kid driving a car.” Johnson added. ”I’ve got bi-racial kids, okay, my girlfriend is white. I know the difference. Okay, I know the difference.”

This shit is getting out of hand if you ask me.
